
検索キーワード「4-2-3-1 formation」に一致する投稿を表示しています

4-1-3-2 soccer formation strengths and weaknesses 277787-4-1-3-2 soccer formation strengths and weaknesses

This week's Animated Drill Video looks at the strengths and weaknesses of the 433 system Whether you're playing a 433 or not, it's important to understa The 4231 formation only employees one forward This makes it essential that the player be able to hold the ball up under pressure The #9 should be very fast with and without the ball, possess great 1v1 ability, be able to get into good scoring positions, be a good combination player, have an excellent shot and be a natural finisher The 433 formation is pretty popular at the moment It seems like the in vogue alternative to the 4231, as it suits some sets of personnel better and brings the best out of certain positions Fundamentals Of The 4 2 3 1 Formation Coachbetter Coachbetter Your Digital Assistant Coach 4-1-3-2 soccer formation strengths and weaknesses

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